Change of address in Norway

Address in Norway

In Norway, we generally distinguish many types of addresses that have different meanings:

  • Postadresse – this is the postal address. Correspondence to you should be sent to this address. This could be a post office box address. You don't have to stay in this place. You can also register an address abroad.
  • Oppholdsadresse – this is the address of residence. It applies to people who have registered their temporary stay in Norway and obtained a D-number. You should have a physical presence at this address and it should be your primary residence. This is usually a Norwegian address.
  • Bostedsadresse – this is the registered address. It is Norwegian if you have reported moving to Norway and obtained a permanent personal number. You should be physically available at this address and it should be your primary residence. If you registered in Norway and did not check out, it will be a Norwegian address.

You should update your addresses so that offices know where to send you correspondence.

Order the service online!

Service: Change of address in Norway, price: NOK 890 gross

What do we need to perform the service?

  • Which address would you like to change?
  • Your new address
  • Altinn login details

What does the service include?

The service includes:

  • Login at
  • Change of correspondence address
  • Telephone information with further procedure (information from the office)

WARNING: The decision to change the address is the responsibility of the office in Norway. The service only covers mediation between you and the office.

Order the service online!

Service: Change of address in Norway, price: NOK 890 gross