Insurance in NAV for ENK owners – What does it offer? How much does it cost?

The transition period from summer to autumn for many people means one thing – seasonal illnesses. People employed full-time can use paid sick leave in such situations, which allows for a peaceful recovery without worrying about finances. The situation of self-employed people (owners of sole proprietorships - ENK) is slightly different, who are entitled to sickness benefits only from the 17th day of illness. However, it is possible to buy additional insurance from NAV, which will allow you to receive sykepenger (sickness benefit) from the 1st day of sick leave.

Who is eligible for sykepenger?

A dog pretending to be sick, with a thermometer in its mouth.Main requirements:

  • You must have sick leave for at least 20%.
  • You must live or work in Norway and therefore be a member of the Norwegian social insurance system.
  • You must have worked for at least 4 weeks immediately before you became ill.
  • You must be under 70 years of age.

In addition, the average annual income must be at least NOK 62. In the case of ENK, the basis for calculation is the income from the last three years or the period since the start of business if the company operates NOKócej.

How long can you take sykepenger?

Sick woman lying in bed, medications next to her.Sickness Benefit is payable for a maximum of 52 weeks (for people over 67 years of age this period is 60 days).

  • For the first 16 days, the benefit is paid by the employer and then by NAV. In the case of full sick leave, you can receive 100% of your salary.
  • Self-employed persons (SEPs) do not have an employer, so they are entitled to benefits from the 17th day of illness and only in the amount of 80% of income, unless they purchase additional insurance from NAV, which extends these rights.

What exactly does insurance provide and how much does it cost?

If you run ENK and want to have 100% sickness benefit or receive it from the first day of sick leave, you can buy additional insurance from NAV. Under this insurance, you can choose one of three options:

  1. 80% sykepenger from the 1st day of illness.
  2. 100% sykepenger from the 17st day of illness.
  3. 100% sykepenger from the 1st day of illness.

A cup of tea, next to it a jar of honey and half a lemon.This insurance is valid for 6 months with the possibility of extension.

Let's move on to costs. The premium is calculated based on the average annual income for the last three years and is:

  • 3% of expected average annual income for the 80% option from the 1st day of illness.
  • 1,3% of expected average annual income for the 100% option from the 17st day of illness.
  • 11% of expected average annual income for the 100% option from the 1st day of illness.

If you are self-employed and want to protect yourself in the event of illness, it is worth considering purchasing additional insurance from NAV. This will give you more comprehensive financial support in the event of sudden sick leave.

If you would like to ask about insurance, taxes, benefits or other official matters, please contact us: +47 21 38 38 21.
We collect Mon.-Fri. from 9:00 a.m. to 21:00 p.m. and we will be happy to help!

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