AS and NUF company registration

AS and NUF company registration

If you are here, it means you want to set up an AS or NUF company in Norway - congratulations! With our help, the entire procedure will run smoothly and hassle-free.

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Service: AS and NUF company registration, price: 3390 kr gross

What are the characteristics of companies in Norway?

Running an AS company has certain advantages. First of all, the company is then a separate entity, it is not connected to us as a person. This means that we can get employed in it even if we are the sole owner. Thanks to this, all benefits such as dagpenger, sykepenger, etc. are paid on standard terms, as in the case of employees working under an employment contract, which is often the most advantageous solution. A company being a separate legal form also means that it has its own assets, which means that our private assets are protected.

The NUF company has similar rules to the AS company, but to register and run it we will need to have a registered business in a country other than Norway. Therefore, the NUF company is only a branch of a foreign company in Norway, as indicated by the extension of the abbreviation NUF - norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak.

If you would like to consult your company registration with an authorized accountant, we invite you to arrange a free, 15-minute telephone consultation with our accountant Aleksander Mariański (click here).

Required documents

To set up, we need the following data:

  • Altinn login details
  • Company name (for AS ending with AS)
  • Details of partners and their roles in the company (president of the management board, member, general director)
  • Amount of share capital (minimum CZK 30)
  • Information on the division of shares among shareholders
  • Information about the preferred bank for the company's bank account
  • HQ adress

What does the service include?

The service includes:

  • contact regarding registration of an AS or NUF company
  • completing and sending an application for registration of an AS or NUF company to the Norwegian office
  • information about waiting time and further procedure
  • assistance in case of problems with registering an AS or NUF company

NOTE: We are not responsible for the company registration process itself or its duration. The service includes mediation between you and the office.

Order the service online!

Service: AS and NUF company registration, price: 3390 kr gross