Extension of the annual settlement deadline in Norway

When should I order the settlement extension service?

The standard statutory deadline for settling tax for people working under an employment contract is April 30, and for self-employed people - until May 31. If we have not managed to settle the tax within this deadline, in both cases we can extend it by a month without any tax consequences! This is the best solution for people who are waiting for additional financial information (e.g. regarding NOKedyt interest or earnings from other countries) and will allow for an additional month of peace of mind when settling the settlement.

The service should be ordered when you know that you will not be able to settle the bill within the statutory deadline. The statutory deadline is April 30 for settlements of persons working under an employment contract and May 31 for persons running a business. The reason for the delay should be stated - what considerations caused the delay. You can order the service using the button below. After completing the service, you will have one month more to settle the bill.

Order the service online!

Service: Extension of the settlement deadline, price: NOK 450 gross

What does the service include?

The settlement deadline extension service includes:

  • Login to the office website
  • Filling out the form requesting an extension of the settlement
  • Sending the completed form to the office
  • Information about the extended deadline
  • Further assistance if you have any questions

What information do we need?

To perform the service, we will need from you:

  • Login details for Skatttetaten.no
  • Reason for delay (required by the office)

WARNING: The final decision regarding the extension of the settlement deadline depends on the office. Our company is only an intermediary between you and the office. However, in most cases, extending the deadline is hassle-free and the office agrees to it.

Order the service online!

Service: Extension of the settlement deadline, price: NOK 450 gross