100 days of changes in Norway – how will it affect Poles?


The most important demands, some with my comments, can be found below:

📌 Residents' expenses and taxes:
– deduction for employees in trade unions up to NOK 7700,
– increased Pendler deduction – smaller own contribution in the deduction: NOK 15.000 – in practice, due to double taxation, Pendler will not help most of us anyway,
– reducing the costs of kindergarten for parents by NOK 2800 per year,
– for people earning less than PLN 750 crowns per year - a tax reduction, for people earning more - an increase.

📌 Work and unemployed people:
– restoring holidays for the unemployed and people on permiterring,
– extension of the AAP collection period if the employee cannot return to work,
– difficulties in using temporary work by employers – promotion of permanent positions,
– introducing a ban on hiring an employee if the company needs a permanent employee.

📌 Residents' health:
– reducing queues to the family doctor by increasing the amount of subsidy per resident,
– liberalization of abortion law – with a possible extension of “abortion on demand” to the 18th week of pregnancy (currently the 12th week of pregnancy),
– introduction of free dental care for people aged 19 to 21,
– half-paid dental care for people aged 22 to 25.

📌 Children and teenagers:
– introduction of 5 hours of free SFO for first-graders,
– increasing the number of teachers in municipal schools and kindergartens.

📌 Emission of air pollutants:
– VAT on more expensive electric cars, the money from which will be allocated to charging stations for each commune,
– increasing the tax on CO2 emissions, while reducing other taxes and duties – in practice, this means increasing taxes for companies, which will probably translate into higher product prices,
– no increases in excise duty on petrol and diesel in Norway.

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