Meldekort – sending a report for NAV benefits

Meldekort – work reporting to NAV

In the case of some benefits with NAV, such as dagpenger (unemployment benefit) or AAP (benefit for long-term incapacity for work), it is required to send the so-called Meldekort, i.e. information to the office about our situation over the last 2 weeks. In this card we write, among others: about our work and income, other related activities, leave and other information relevant to the benefit.

It is mandatory to send a registration card every two weeks of benefit receipt. We can help you with this!

Order the service online!

Service: Meldekort - shipping for benefits, price: 590 kr gross

When is it required?

You must send the form to report: the work you did while receiving benefits, any programs or specific activities you took part in, and any absences from work. You must also confirm that you are still registered with NAV as a jobseeker for the next period. Payments are calculated and based on the information provided on this form.

It is important that you complete the employment status form correctly and submit it by the due date. Your benefits will not be paid until NAV receives your employment status form.

What does the service include?

The service includes sending 6 registration cards every 2 weeks.

WARNING: The decision regarding card approval rests with NAV in Norway. The service only covers mediation between you and the office.